for curious and
not quite smart people

Mental health:

Introduction and exercises

This is a nice picture

Some general and specific considerations.
One of the main reproaches of modern official medicine consists in the fact that it (medicine) does not consider the person as a whole, and its individual parts and, accordingly, treats individual diseases.
This applies in particular to two major components: the physical body as a whole and the psycho-emotional part of the personality.
Indeed, for quite a long time, academic medicine underestimated the role of the "soul" in the physical health of the body.
However, in recent decades and especially in recent years there have been significant changes.

General provisions

We immediately take the bull by the horns.
Exercise N1.
At first glance, it is very light, but very difficult actually.
You must track and be aware of what your brain is doing at any given moment:
now I'm thinking about my daughter, talking with a colleague, tomorrow's meeting with my boss, last vacation, damned Americans, an unpleasant conversation with my father, etc.
That is, the bottom line is that you, as it were, split in two
and Your second self constantly monitors the first: what is occupied at each moment of time by the first self.
The purpose of this entertainment:
a) Improve your ability to focus and learn to control your mind (and if you remove political correctness, then
b) You will receive proof that your consciousness is mainly nothing more than a stream of almost incoherent, random thoughts, and they are constantly repeated, perhaps with minor changes.
Exercise N2.
There is no one around, you are completely alone.
Consider the following situation.
You have the opportunity to receive 200 thousand dollars, located in a bank vault and belonging to this bank.
Suppose you have an absolute guarantee that this action is safe, and that no one will ever know about it. You can safely use 200,000 dollars, they are yours.
Now please answer the following question.
Under these conditions, do you agree to receive this money?
Take your time, you are only responsible for yourself, but try do it with complete honesty, calmly and soberly considering this state of affairs.
So, what is your answer, an unbiased and completely honest answer?
Do this exercise several times for 1-2 weeks.
In all seriousness and sincerely.

Objectivity and emotions

How does that area of ​​brain activity called the mind work?
A signal comes from the sense organs to the brain, which is compared with the information which is in memory. If the signal is recognized in such a comparison, a person takes a certain action. But the brain receives a lot of signals from our body and from our emotions, which distort the signal received from the senses. Especially distort his emotions.
This is a nice picture As a rule, an ordinary person in his consideration is guided precisely by emotions.
Like - true, dislike - false.
What causes negative feelings, as a rule, decreases in intensity, or is completely discarded, and what causes positive emotions is exaggerated.
And if you have more sobriety of judgment, then you will be able to realize:
this happened, the consequences can be as follows. And this analysis is not affected by that you may not like the conclusions.
Especially if you undertake to analyze your actions in this way.
If you are objective in this analysis, you will find under the noblest motives very base motives for their actions.
An emotional person is completely incapable of such a thing.
To less succumb to the emotional perception of reality,
you can try yoga.
It is very useful to get acquainted with modern science data on the role of the subconscious.
About it here


So, what are the possible solutions to psychological adversity?
Buddhism has found the answer in the formula "No desire, no suffering".
This can be considered logical and everything would be fine provided that you able to destroy the enemy, and there are usually a lot of them:
wishing that the stomach would not hurt so much,
wanting your daughter to stop smoking during pregnancy,
the desire to get a lot, a lot of money, not to work,
the desire to be better understood by your husband (wife), etc., etc.
But we will try to go the other way, as the killer and criminal V.I. taught. Lenin.
There are two factors preventing a person from being psychologically stable, and anxiety, emotional stress, anxiety would be minimized.
The first obstacle.
Personality places too much importance on its persona.
This is expressed in exaggerated self-esteem, and in all directions:
level of intelligence, moral qualities, sophisticated sense of humor, visual appeal, professional success, degree of influence on other people...
However, the reality is that a person evaluates himself too highly and clearly biased.
The importance of your own person is inflated beyond measure.
It is quite logical that if there is some very valuable object and any harm is done to it, then the amount of damage from this, both emotionally and sensibly, is perceived as very large, maybe just catastrophic.
If the value of the object is low, then the damage is not so terrible.
In other words:
the more objectively a person evaluates his own person,
that is, it reduces the value of the valuable object "I",
the easier and easier it will be to perceive the resulting harm that causes stress, negative experiences, etc.

This is a nice picture Okay, but how do you change your self-esteem?
Here you need to show creativity, you can come up with many different ways, for different people, completely different techniques, methods, reasoning may be suitable.
Some general recommendations.
1. Go back in time and try to remember some unpleasant event and - this is the essence - your experiences.
Then compare the assessment of those events and their emotional impact. then and now.
It will almost certainly be clear that the then degree
of negative emotion was clearly inadequate, greatly exaggerated.
From this it is easy to conclude (not just logically, but through emotional experience), that apparently
the significance of the current problems and the psychological negative are significantly exaggerated.
2. Imagine that tomorrow you will die, better painlessly.
Think and analyze what are the consequences of this event.
How has the world changed since you were gone?
What kind of people and to what extent is it will cause inconvenience,
both emotional and material, worldly.
If you try to be honest and objective, then find out that the significance of one's own person is not so great.
A true "felt" understanding of this fact helps to reduce stressful loads due to unreasonable, too serious attitude towards oneself.
The second obstacle.
If we analyze various psychological hardships, stresses, moral pressure, expectations of trouble on the subject:
is there anything in common in various misfortunes, poisoning my life,
then as a result we get a fairly simple answer.
Yes, this is common. Namely:
The negative impact of all these problems on the psyche, emotions, thoughts occurs almost always on the basis of and with just one tool.
This is the activation of one of the three basic emotions inherent in a person.
In all (or almost all) of these states, FEAR is activated.
It's late, 21 o'clock, my daughter is not at home yet.
The mother is very worried. What does it mean?
The mother is afraid that something bad could happen, she feels a sense of fear.
Tomorrow we will have a conversation with the boss.
You are nervous, not expecting anything good from this pig.
What does it mean? You experience a feeling of fear.

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